"It's time that all the football fans understand what is happening between UEFA, FIFA and television companies, together with the national leagues.
The purpose of the football's leaders is to create an european championship reserved to clubs, limitated only at the major teams from each nation.
This could guarantee them enormous gains thanx to TV rights and also sold out stadiums, 'cause in the big cities people would go to the stadium the same.
Obviously minor teams would be sacrificated, because they don't have a TV audience nor crowded stadiums.
Its is clear that the struggle is between TV audience (the major part), destined to grow, and the stadium audience (the minor part), destined to disappear or to be reduced at contour element.
In a few years the green football ground will be sponsorized and it will be forbidden to put stripes on the terraces because they could cover the publicity (see the new Ajax stadium). They will try to put thousand of people controlling the fans to avoid big flags, stripes, fires etc. etc.
And they will be helped by mass media, which make nine columns titles for the most stupid thing that happen between fans.
And in a few years the T-shirts of our teams (yeah, the T-shirt, the last thing we still have) will be full of sponsors, like the Formula One cars.
The future has been decided already: it belongs to moderated fan.
There's no more room for ultras.
There's a UEFA directory that say that all the fans must be seated.
They don't want anymore an active supporting but that kind of partecipation you can find in a theatre or at the cinema.
These men don't understand that for us our teams are a faith, that their symbols are tatooed on our arms and that their T-shirts, for people like us, represent our cities.
All the "ULTRA" of the world should take all together (just for once) clamorous enterprises against the factory-football."
( "Il manifesto degli ultras" by C.U.C.S. Romanista )
1) players buying/saling only before of the season, not during the championship;
2) freedom to express the joy after a goal;
3) all the games must be played at the same day and hour;
4) limitation of foreign players in teams ;
5) impossibility for the president of a football team of being also president or major-actionist of another football-team;
7) restore of the old Internationals' Cup schedule:
8) numbers of T-shirts from 1 to 11.
9) prohibition for clubs to give tickets for the away games in exclusive to travel agencies.
10) to keep every season the traditional t-shirts of the club, keep the social colours of the teams on the far away t-shirts and no players name on the club t-shirt
1) Ultras to refuse every contact or help by football's clubs;
2) Ultras to refuse any "help" and control by the police;
3) Ultras to have few different and independent groups on the stadium;
4) Ultras to go to the away games with their own way;
5) Ultras to damage the TV products;
Design @ 2001, May